Gordon Coaching Position


Six-man fan
Looking for a head boys basketball coach in Gordon


Here's some info on the position.

We are looking for someone who will be willing to be a football asset while working with an AD that is a multi-sport minded leader and supportive of success in all sports.

For those curious about the job we have a group of boys coming up that have the opportunity to be really good in every sport. They are a regional tournament caliber team with great work ethic. Our previous coach got a job promotion that's why the position is open.

It's a great community. Great support system all the way around.

We are a 4 day school week.

We are in Region 3 1A District 19 for basketball.

You can send your resume, and if you want more info feel free to call or email the following:

Mike Reed - [email protected] cell#325-668-2731
Athletic Director/Head Football

Benita Carlton - [email protected] cell# 682-500-416
Head girls basketball
