Recent content by thedog400

  1. T

    No Goob?

    Goob is like the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. Funny for a while, but got really old in a hurry.
  2. T

    You say Florida is the National Champ?

    Borrow the NFL conference playoff style. Take the top 6 in the BCS rankings and give the top 2 teams byes. This would satisfy the argument that a playoff would cheapen the regular season. Having a bye in the 1st round of a playoff while 4 of the other 5 teams have to play would be HUGE. I'm...
  3. T

    What about them Colts!!!

    I think the Colts have finally stumbled upon a winning formula. Don't do anything to even try to stop the run for 7 weeks of the season. Lower everyone's expectations. Don't do anything to make anyone think that you can win the Super Bowl. Then, all the pressure is off, and all of a sudden...