Recent content by Oglesbyfan

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    Oglesby Head Football Coach

    The head boy's football, basketball, and track position has been filled. Welcome aboard Coach McDaniel. Coach McDaniel will be a fine addition to our staff at Oglesby ISD.
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    Oglesby Head Football Coach

    Job Title: Head Boy’s Coach Teaching Field: History/Government/Economics – preferred Health/Spanish/Science/PE/ Job Type: Teacher/Coach This position is for one person to be head football(six-man), head boy’s track coach, and assist in other areas. District: Oglesby...
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    By Popular Demand

    I do not hide my name and hold my head high.<P>Sorry, I actually had to reply to you one time and this is the only time.
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    By Popular Demand

    I believe this is for coaches to post their resumes so that schools can look at them to find potential coaches for their school. THSCA has a space on their site for this.