Recent content by Caprock kid

  1. Caprock kid

    Richland Springs vs Motley thoughts

    You’re an idiot.
  2. Caprock kid

    Recruiting Students for Athletics in High School

    I just don’t understand how this school could suck so bad then turn it around year after year in the 2000’s. But yet there are always new faces team is always stacked. Plus they play in a weak area kinda reminds me of Jayton only thing that divides the two is bring in players. RS is a proven...
  3. Caprock kid

    Whitedeer vs Milford and broadcast of the game

    What time is the game?
  4. Caprock kid

    McLean vs. Glasscock County 2018 Highlights

    How is it outstanding when they let a team drop 72 on them?
  5. Caprock kid

    Mclean vs Milford

    McLean 74 Milford 24
  6. Caprock kid

    Milford v McLean for the gold ball

    Geeze hurt feelings already. No one asked for people to comment on a meaningless topic either.
  7. Caprock kid

    Milford v McLean for the gold ball

    I’m not to interested in D1 or D2 state games both will probably be one sided. McLean and Strawn take home the gold ball this year.
  8. Caprock kid

    White Deer vs Ira. Mclean vs aspermont.

    McLean and White Deer win McLean will 45 Aspermont, white deer will most likely beat ira by 18 to 24.
  9. Caprock kid

    Borden county vs whitedeer

    Not to be rude or mean but I’m glad the Bucks pulled off the win.
  10. Caprock kid

    Strawn vs Borden County

    D2 you have a point Strawn is the favorite Iredell is the only other possible choice. But you never know I didn't think Crowell would beat BC in 2015. Then to turn around and lose to Abbott so it could happen. D1 I like Mcleans chances but they will have to go through BC and you can't count...
  11. Caprock kid

    Borden county vs whitedeer

    BC by 30 I would like to see the bucks pull it off but I think the spread game of BC will take over in the 3rd quarter. But hopefully I'm wrong and WD makes a game out of it.
  12. Caprock kid

    Strawn vs Borden County

    I'm pretty sure we will have a new state champ in both divisions this year. This is a pretty exciting year the field is wide open for allot of new faces which makes me excited.
  13. Caprock kid

    Six man to eleven man

    This is also a 1-4 Stanton team who beat an 0-4 Forsans team. I'm not trying to be ugly about a players accomplishments but this six man story is not a good one to shed light on. Hopefully they can get things turned around in Stanton but as of right now that team needs all the help it can get.
  14. Caprock kid

    VARSITY FINAL SCORES ONLY -- week 4 -- 2018

    Paducah 60 Valley 54 in over time.
  15. Caprock kid

    August 3 -- When will Richland Springs lose again?

    Hopefully they will make it to the playoffs just to lose. Just so the RS fan club with shut up. But if they didn't make the playoffs that wouldn't make me sad one bit.